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our mission to build a frame house picture


Warm, comfortable, beautiful, ecological house. Your house.

Many European families, especially the young ones, dream about a house like this.

As usually, there are many opportunities.

The easiest way is to buy an already built house.

Benefits of this way are evident, but there are drawbacks as well. The first one is, of course, the price. Secondly, a bought house most probably will not be hundred percent just like you personally imagine it. And finally, houses that were built quite a time ago usually do not correspond to the modern ecological and heat saving standards.

The second way is to build the house that you want in the place that you like.

An architect will help you to sketch your dream on paper.

At this point the most important question arises – how to make the dream come true?

Once again, there are several ways.

The easiest one (in majority of cases) is to turn into a constructing bureau which will build you a house key-in-the-door.

This method is the best unless you care about the price.

Why so?

Full-circle building companies are so bad and greedy?

Not at all!

To build a key ready house (especially by using traditional methods), construction companies need to hire many high-skilled specialists – not only in the domain of construction, but also for transporting, logistics, staff, accountancy, PR etc.
Add the taxes and you will understand, that pricelists that you thought to be overestimated are actually well-grounded.

What to do?

Build a house on your own!

But how? All I have is land and project.

We see our main mission in helping people to build a house of their dreams – beautiful, warm, comfortable, ecological, modern, and, of course, of the highest quality, and to save a lot of time, efforts and money.

We know how to embody even the most complicated projects into a safe and high-end quality construction, which can be assembled by anyone.

All the rest depends only on your wishes.